Anger Management
The Therapist You Need to Help Harness Your Emotions and Redirect Them Toward Greater Productivity and Purpose!!!
Emotions – Out of Control?
- Do people say that you have an ‘anger management issue’?
- Do you have a short fuse and lose your temper easily?
- Do you yell, throw objects, punch things, or get physical with people when you get upset?
- Are you irritable, agitated, annoyed, and frustrated a good majority of the time? Or do you stuff your anger and internalize it, silently seething and coming across as passive-aggressive or sarcastic to people?
- Do you curse, lash out at people, or find yourself getting stressed to the breaking point?

If this is you, you’ve likely experienced a lot of negative consequences from this behavior. And without intervention, matters will likely worsen and could potentially cause irreversible damage to your life and those around you. Unaddressed anger problems can lead to…
- Relationship strain with significant others, children, and family members: At its most extreme, it can result in domestic violence and battery charges with ensuing legal difficulties
- Friction at work in relationships with colleagues and bosses that can lead to write-ups, suspensions, or getting fired due to anger misconduct and behavioral issues
- Tarnished social reputation and image: You can get labeled as a “hothead” and become alienated from others who are uncomfortable being around you or are intimidated by your aggressive demeanor
- Health issues: Chronic anger issues can lead to problems with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, cardiovascular and blood pressure issues, headaches, strokes, weakening of the immune system over time, and even shorten one’s life span
- Child abuse, partner/spousal abuse, road rage, physical assault, trouble with the law…even murder!
Get in Control!
I can help you tame your anger and regain control of your life before it’s too late!
Your anger is really unbridled passion that just needs boundaries. I can help you build a fence around it so you can get your needs more appropriately met!

Anger Management
It’s normal to get angry. It’s an emotional signal that something’s not right or there’s a threat or injustice of some kind. Often anger masks other underlying emotions or issues that need attention. It’s not that we get angry that’s the problem; it’s how we deal with it and how it gets expressed that’s important.
As a Certified Anger Management Specialist through the Anger Management Institute and my 25 years of experience helping people overcome their issues with anger and rage, I can help you develop a recovery action plan that will help you combat this destructive problem before it interferes any further with your quality-of-life.
In anger management counseling at Personal Victory Counseling, Inc., you will learn:
- Relaxation and mindfulness strategies for soothing yourself during stressful times
- Cognitive restructuring techniques for combating negative thoughts that give rise to anger
- Problem-solving methods for dealing with difficult decision-making situations
- Strategies for regulating your emotions and tolerating distress
- Interpersonal skills for navigating social relationships better
- Communication and conflict resolution skills for more effective relating
- Assertiveness training techniques for being more direct, asking for what you need and want, and dealing with difficult people to avoid more aggressive tactics that can lead to trouble
- Empathy training and learning better how to take the perspective of others into account
And more! Your anger management therapy will be specifically tailored to your personal situation. Together, we will determine the origin and sources of your issues and collaboratively develop a treatment plan that will help meet your needs and accomplish your goals for success.
“Anger is like gasoline. If you spray it around and somebody lights a match, you’ve got an inferno. But if we can put our anger inside an engine, it can drive us forward.”
—Scilla Elworthy
Contact Me
1444 N. Farnsworth Ave.
Ste. 1041
Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 557-6375
© 2020 Brian Rzepczynski . All rights reserved.