Grief & Loss Recovery
The Therapist You Need to Help You Recover from Loss with Renewed Vigor, Meaning, and Purpose!!!
Grief, Loss, Changes
Are you grieving? Do any of these situations speak to what you’re going through?
- Death of a spouse/partner, child, parent, relative, pet, friend, co-worker, or other loved one
- Divorce or breakup
- Job loss and unemployment
- Retirement
- Health issues, aging, and/or disability
- Graduating and starting a job
- Separations from loved ones or changes in family relationships
- Getting married
- Getting pregnant, having a baby or adopting
- Moving and geographic relocations
- Financial changes
- Legal problems and entanglements
- Coping with a traumatic experience
If you are experiencing any of these crises or changes,
I can help you cross the bridge to the other side of these adjustments with a new vision built upon possibilities for a meaningful life.

I’ll Never Be Happy Again
One of the givens in life is that we will experience loss at some point in time. This can create paralyzing feelings of grief, sadness, despair, loneliness, and hopelessness. We often think of grief and loss in terms of losing someone we care about who has died. However, we also experience them whenever we go through some sort of life change or transition that alters our typical daily existence or worldview, whether these changes are viewed as negative or positive.
- “My life will never be the same again!”
- “I’m going to be alone forever now.”
- “I can’t accept that this has happened!
- “I don’t see a bright future for myself any longer.”
- “I can’t stop thinking about it! It’s consuming my every waking minute!”
- “I’ll never be happy again.”
- “My life is empty and meaningless now.”
- “I don’t know who I am any more.”
- “I don’t know what to do now. I’m confused and have no idea what’s to become of me.”
Do any of these thoughts ring true for you?
These are all common beliefs that emerge when we lose someone or go through a difficult transition. They can keep you stuck, preventing you from growing beyond the loss and causing a myriad of other problems unless addressed.
Left untreated, unresolved grief can lead to serious consequences, including depression, health risks, decreased productivity at home and work, marital and family strain, and self-defeating behaviors used in the service of coping. These consequences can end up causing more harm and problems on top of what you’re already dealing with.

When we lose some one or go through a change in life circumstances, this can oftentimes trigger unresolved feelings and unfinished business from previous losses we’ve experienced in our past. You can be mourning multiple layers of loss at the same time and not even realize it! And those losses can create other secondary losses, including things like loss of identity and roles, self-esteem, independence and freedom, hopes and dreams for the future, treasured objects, financial security, etc.
But There Is Hope!
As a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist through the Grief Recovery Institute and my 25 years of experience, I can provide you with tools and assistance toward working through your feelings about your loss. I have helped many people navigate their journey through the grief process making meaning out of it all, devising a recovery action plan to help you cope and adjust to what you’re going through, and helping you create a new life path that will point toward a future of purpose, passion, and potential.
Your grief counseling will be specifically tailored to your personal situation. Together, we will determine the origin and sources of your issues and collaboratively develop a treatment plan that will help meet your needs and accomplish your goals.
There is life beyond your loss, and you don’t have to go it alone!
“The risk of love is loss. The price of loss is grief. But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love.”
—Hilary Stanton Zunin
Contact Me
1444 N. Farnsworth Ave.
Ste. 1041
Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 557-6375
© 2020 Brian Rzepczynski . All rights reserved.