Relationship Therapy for Individuals & Couples
The Therapist You Need When Your Love-Life Needs a Boost!
It’s time for you to have the type of relationship you’ve always wanted.
You’re in a relationship or marriage that’s unfulfilling, conflict-ridden, or disconnected and you just don’t know what to do. You’re at the end of your rope, worried about what the future holds for your partner and you.
You’re single, dating, and struggling to find a compatible partner in which to develop a relationship with, and you want what it seems like everyone else around you has.
You’re a couple whose sex life has fizzled. You’re craving more passion, intimacy, and satisfaction in the bedroom. It feels like the magic has gone…sexual difficulties have led to hurt feelings, disconnection, and unwanted power struggles.

If any of these scenarios sound like you, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!
Our society doesn’t teach us how to nurture healthy, successful relationships or sex lives with our partners. We’ve had to learn through trial-and-error, stumbling and getting hurt along the way without an effective roadmap or compass to show us the way. UNTIL NOW!!!
How Counseling Can Help
Through counseling, you will learn new skills and strategies for maximizing your relationship success and increasing your level of happiness with your partner.
As a seasoned clinician with over 25 years of experience, specializing in relationships and sexuality, my “Relationship Success Blueprint” can help you develop an arsenal of tools which promises to transform your relationship and steer you toward achieving the degree of fulfillment you’ve always dreamed about.
Whether you’re an individual or a couple, these are some common issues that the counseling services at Personal Victory Counseling, Inc. can help you address and conquer…
- Communication Problems
- Conflict Resolution
- Domestic Violence
- Recovery from Infidelity & Affairs
- Compatibility Issues
Money & Finances
- Should I Stay in or Leave My Relationship?
Separation & Divorce Issues
Parenting Issues
Sexual Problems
Trust & Forgiveness
Jealousy & Insecurity
- Dating Dilemmas
- Singlehood Blues
- Long-Distance Relationships
- Breakups
- Intimacy Issues
- Pre-marital Counseling
- and more!

It’s time to strengthen and save your relationship!
Your relationship with your partner is one of the most important investments you’ll ever make and the type of connection you hold can have a “ripple effect” on all the other components of your life, for better or worse.
Take the step now toward repairing what you’ve built together, and you could change the course of your life for the positive without wasting another moment.
“Real love isn’t just a euphoric, spontaneous feeling—it’s a deliberate choice—a plan to love each other for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health.”
—Seth Adam Smith
If you are a couple, don’t forget to check out Dr. Brian’s “The Relationship Body Shop: Getting the Dents & Scratches Out of Your Partnership” program by clicking here
Contact Me
1444 N. Farnsworth Ave.
Ste. 1041
Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 557-6375
© 2020 Brian Rzepczynski . All rights reserved.